The year is almost over.
We are literally days away from leaving 2021 behind us, and crossing over into 2022. And I’m sure that most of us are just as ready to leave 2021 behind as we were 2020.
Let’s face it.
Both years have been unprecedented in terms of history and how our world and lives will forever be effected. The reach of COVID-19 found everyone one way or the other by either changing your daily routine, or inflicting permanent loss. Whether it was from losing a loved one, a job, your peace of mind, the constant virtual meetings, or even something as simple as having to cancel travel plans, you FELT this pandemic.
And it did not feel good.
It came right to your doorstep. And some days were easier than others. But the lingering sorrow and anxiety in the air was constant…..IS constant.
At the end of 2020, and beginning of 2021, God started dealing with me personally about two areas that he wanted to highlight in my life for change. He specifically spoke to me about HUMILITY and IDOLS. As I leaned in to this prompting, God began to take me on a journey of revelation and change concerning these areas. And as I acknowledged his voice, he added a third.
Better yet, he unearthed a third.
Turns out that it was the area that he was truly after. He’d only shined light on the areas of humility and idols to reveal the true root: FEAR.
The entire time, he’d been after my fear. And after partnering with God this year to become free from deep rooted fear, I have found that pride is typically the result of fear or insecurity, and idols the result of anything we worship because we fear it.
Pride can be something as “small” as not asking God for help, and as big as refusing to help others. Idols can be something as “small” as a favorite pair of earrings, and as big as a person or thing that we’d sacrifice everything and everyone else for, giving it paramount place above God, family, morals, and conscience.
I can honestly say that as I acknowledged God’s voice, he didn’t waste any time giving me heavy doses of truth. He let me see Him. And as I saw Him, I saw what he was, what He was not, and what I was, and was not.
For the entire year, all of 2021, I’ve listened to two sermons repeatedly. I’ve listed to these sermons for 12 months straight, at least twice a week…..BOTH of them. And each time, some portion of my being was chiseled away. As I prayed and listened to God, he has coddled me so close, creating a safe place for me to be naked, all while cutting and healing. I know that someone would like for me to share the sermons. And normally I would. But I won’t.
As we get ready to leave this year, and I cast vision and asked God what my new focus is. He told me that there is no new focus. He told me that the same focus remains. Shaunee still has to continue the journey of dealing with HUMILITY, IDOLS, and FEAR. There would not be a graduation when the clock strikes 12 midnight and I enter into 2022. I’d be taking my same process from 2020, and 2021, right into 2022. God still has me on HUMILITY, IDOLS, and FEAR. I’m forbidden from graduating myself from a place that God still has me. This is partly why I won’t share the sermons, or any of the personal details of my journey.
You, see, THEY ARE MINE.
They are distinctly part of a very customized process that I'm in with God. And when we wander into adopting another’s journey, we will have wandered from all of the groundwork, and root digging that God has done.
I don’t want this for you.
Something as simple as me sharing two sermons that have catered to my change is enough to rob you of the beauty of how God customizes your process to fit you. Even if God has you on the same thing, even if He’s speaking the very same challenges to you, I promise you that your journey is STILL different than mine. The way that he speaks, how he works, what he highlights…..ALL DIFFERENT. Because we are all different, unique, and comprised of many roots and life experiences that have shaped us to be what we are, and what needs to be changed. I don’t want to detour you from what’s yours by sharing what is mine.
So as we leave this year, don’t leave behind a place that you still reside. Don’t leave behind a process that you’re still in. If he has you there all of 2022, and even 2023, STAY THERE. It's always dangerous to graduate ourselves from a school we're still in, and a grade level we haven't passed. Skipped steps are delayed promises.
A new year to God is just another day. Our times and seasons are in his hands. A new year and new season can happen at any time that we say “YES”. So as we cross over, cross over in continuance if that’s where he has you. He’s making all things beautiful in His time, not ours.
Shaunee Brannan